Pest-Proofing Your Winnipeg Yard: 15 Ways to Prevent Infestations

Reading time: 6 minutes

So, you’ve created the perfect yard for your Winnipeg home; it’s the envy of the neighbourhood. But hold on…someone has its eyes on it. Or rather, something.

We’re talking about the local pest population looking to move in at a moment’s notice. It's kind of like dropping a picnic basket in the park, and suddenly, every ant in the vicinity shows up.

But don't worry, we won’t let you become the slumlord of pests. Here are some simple steps to keep those freeloaders out.

black ant next to a reservoir of water
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15 Ways to Pest-Proof Your Winnipeg Yard

1. Fortify the Fence

A well-maintained fence can be a formidable barrier against larger pests (or wildlife) like raccoons or skunks. Inspect your fence regularly for gaps, holes, or loose boards and repair them promptly. Make sure that the base of the fence is secure to prevent animals from digging under it.

2. Seal the Deal

Your first line of defence is sealing up potential entry points. Inspect your home's exterior, sheds, and fences for any cracks, gaps, or holes. Use caulk, weather stripping, and steel wool to block these passages.

By installing sturdy mesh screens over vents, chimneys, and crawl spaces, you block those gateways. It’s about reinforcing your defences so not even the craftiest of pests can sneak through. Securing every nook and cranny will make your yard impenetrable.

3. Secure Trash Like a Treasure

raccoon caught in a trap by Buzz Boss

Your garbage might not seem like much to you, but to pests (especially raccoons), it’s a seven-course meal. To keep these critters from turning your trash into their treasure trove, secure your bins with tight-fitting lids.

Consider investing in bins that lock to prevent pests from prying them open. Regularly clean the bins to reduce lingering smells that may attract wildlife.

4. Keep the Buffet Closed

Pests don’t discriminate; they love your pet’s food as much as your leftovers. Store all pet food, bird seed, and compost in sturdy, rodent-proof containers. If possible, keep these containers indoors or in a secured area.

This simple step cuts off food sources for pests and discourages them from settling in your yard. Remember, if pests can’t find food, they’ll move on to more generous grounds.

5. The Leaf Pile Paradise

While a pile of fallen leaves might scream “fun” for your kids, to pests, it whispers “welcome home”. Don’t let your yard become a sanctuary for pests seeking shelter.

Stay on top of yard maintenance by raking up leaves and trimming overgrown vegetation. By keeping the ground clear, you reduce hiding spots and damp, shadowy areas where pests thrive.

6. Water, Water, Nowhere

Stagnant water is the cocktail of choice for many pests, especially mosquitoes. Eliminate any standing water in your yard to cut off their water supply. Many pests also breed in moist areas in and around water.

So, check for clogged gutters, empty plant saucers, and fill any low-lying areas where water may collect.

7. Gravel Guards the Castle

Think of a gravel border around your yard as a stylish moat that keeps the pest invaders at bay. Gravel is tough to navigate for many pests and creates a dry, inhospitable barrier that discourages them from crossing.

Whether around the garden or along the perimeter of your home, a well-placed gravel barrier not only enhances your landscape’s aesthetics but also keeps pests away.

8. Tidy Firewood, Happy Yard

pile of stacked firewood outdoors
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Keep firewood stacked neatly and elevated at least a foot off the ground to discourage pests like mice and insects. Place it away from your home's walls to avoid giving these critters a direct path indoors.

Woodpiles can become cozy shelters, so by managing where and how your wood is stored, you cut off easy access to your yard and living spaces.

9. Pest Repellent Plants

Turn your garden into a no-go zone for pests, including rodents, with plants that act as natural repellents. Planting mint and lavender can help repel mice and rats with their strong scents. Lavender and marigolds do a number on mosquitoes.

These plants are not only effective but also add beauty and fragrance to your outdoor spaces. Position these around the edges of your yard or near entry points to maximize their deterrent effect.

10. Gone With the Wind

Set up outdoor fans to give flying pests like mosquitoes a run for their money. These wind machines aren’t just great for keeping you cool; they’ll also blow away those winged intruders too.

The airflow disrupts the flight patterns of these pests, making it harder for them to land and settle. Place fans strategically around seating or dining areas to create a windshield.

11. Cleaning Bird Feeders

Regularly scrub down bird feeders to prevent old seeds from fermenting and attracting a fan club of rodents and insects. Be vigilant about seed spillage. Sweep or vacuum around feeders frequently.

Elevated platforms can help minimize ground spillage, cutting off the open dinner invitation to pests like squirrels and mice who find spilled birdseed irresistible.

12. Clean Up After Meals, Both Yours and Theirs

rodent caught in a trap by Buzz Boss

Your backyard isn’t a safe space to leave leftovers lying about. Trust us, the pests will come—and it won’t take them more than a few minutes.

Always clean up immediately after outdoor meals. Clear away plates and scraps; wipe down surfaces. If you have pets, make sure their eating areas are spotless, too. Leftover pet food is a gourmet treat for insect-carrying wild animals and insects alike.

13. Worry Mulch About Pests?

While mulch is great for your garden and trees, it can also be a pest magnet if not used wisely. Avoid piling it too thickly; deep layers of mulch provide a perfect hiding and nesting spot for pests.

A thinner layer ensures that mulch deters pests without inviting them to burrow and nest, striking a balance between beautifying your garden and keeping it pest-free. Also, opt for cedar mulch, which naturally repels some insects due to its aromatic oils.

14. Yellow Bug lights for Bug Control

Switching to yellow bug lights is a smart move to keep your yard pest-free. These lights are less attractive to insects than standard bulbs, meaning fewer flying pests swarming around your lights at night.

Install them near entryways, patios, or decks to reduce the allure for bugs. Not only do they provide ample ambient lighting, but they also maintain a bug barrier without harsh chemicals.

15. The "Pros" of Proactive Pest Control

The fact is, despite your best efforts, pests may still crash your party.

When you're facing a persistent or large-scale infestation, it’s time to call in the pros.

Buzz Boss offers comprehensive pest exclusion services that go far beyond what DIY methods can achieve. Our experts are equipped to tackle any pest problem, providing preventative solutions and treatments tailored to your specific situation.

Buzz Boss worker ready to spray against pests

Your Pest-Free Paradise in Winnipeg Awaits

Who says you have to share your backyard with mosquitoes, ants, or rodents? Pest-proof your yard and keep it strictly for two-legged guests (that’s you, by the way).

But if you're feeling overwhelmed, remember, Buzz Boss is just a call away.

Serving Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Saskatoon, Okanagan, and Kelowna.

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